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Transformed beings who want to escape their world to return to where they came from.

Often I can remember but cannot explain my frightening, surrealistic dreams/nightmares.

An evil cat who, after taking a bite of fish, kills his newborn kitten.

Often I can remember but cannot explain my frightening, surrealistic dreams/nightmares.

In this dream I walk into an alley. At the end of it a staircase that I climb and being confronted with this scene: a person who sorts the bones of a dead person after which he washes them in a basin with holy water with praying figures as bystanders.

Often I can remember but cannot explain my frightening, surrealistic dreams/nightmares.

This is how I saw the automated future and its dangers at the time.

My impression of Hell as Dante Alighieri described it in 1300. Nine sentences are written above the gate that provides access to Hell. The last sentence reads: Lasciati ogni speranza, voi ch’intrate (‘Abandon all hope, ye who enter here’).

Here I tried to paint the pack of cigarettes as precisely as possible.

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